Portfolio Comparison: And We’re Off!

Well, the new portfolio comparison is officially underway. As expected, I made the initial purchases for each of the portfolios as of the closing prices on Monday. Each portfolio can now live or die on its own merits.

I do need to make a few brief points:

  • The two stocks chosen for the Magic Formula portfolio this month were ESI and PDLI. I haven’t yet done any research into them, so I haven’t a clue what they do. Part of me wants to keep it that way, lest I find out that they’re all pharmaceutical companies.
  • The five stocks chosen for the Skunks of the Dow portfolio were BAC, CSCO, INTC, MSFT, and WMT. It looks like we have a bank, a retail giant, and three technology companies. My experience with this strategy suggests that it’s slow-moving, so we may see most of these five for quite some time.
  • At the last minute, I added three additional portfolios: Caribou, Sector Flow, and the Permanent Portfolio. Caribou should be familiar to long-time readers of this blog as a model similar to Decision Moose. I may discuss the details of the other two in the future, but for the moment, I want their performances listed in the comparison.

At the end of June, I’ll post an update with the current results. I may or may not figure out something else to post about between now and then.

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